Sunday, September 02, 2007

Plumbing woes

Umm yeah. Squeezing into bathroom cabinets and laying underneath sinks SUCK!! What sucks even more is trying to install faucets and drains when you're just learning... It goes something like this:

...and this washer goes... here? Then this goes... like this? I think...

*crawls into bathroom cabinet*

Shit, where did I put that washer!"

*crawls back out then realizes it was right next to me, in the cabinet, the whole time*

Damn it!

*crawls back in*

*hits head then elbow on edge of cabinet*


Ummm, where's the wrench? $%#@!

*crawls back out to retrieve wrench. crawls back in*


*finally gets washer, nut, and rubber thingamajig in proper order*

*confidently tightens nuts & bolts*

*crawls out to check on work. sees faucet handles facing random directions*

Simultaneous shoulder drop, head back, closed eye sigh

*crawls back to loosen everything*

*crawls back out to align faucet handles*

*crawls back in to roughly tightens nuts & bolts without rotating handles*

*crawls back out to check work*

Looks good!

*crawls back in. bangs elbow on cabinet again*

*screws everything in place, tightly*

*crawls back out to check work. turns faucet handles*

FUCK! They're turning the wrong way! The hot and cold are flip flopped!!

*undoes everything. gives up. takes indefinite break*

The bright side is, I'm working muscles I didn't know I had. I need a massage...


Scotty said...

Although the under sink awkwardness never goes away, it gets easier :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, you're a lot handier than I ever am! ^_^

Lisa said...

I've read that the two things you should never mess with unless you're a pro are: electric and plumbing.

You're a brave gal.

teahouse said...

Yeah, I'm impressed by the mere fact that you just replaced a washer in a sink!!

Behind The Curve said...

scotty: I got really good at getting under there. Almost in a dance routine kind of way.

michelle: Perhaps, but I think I know just enough to be really dangerous.

MJ: I've ran wiring in my house for recessed lighting and under-cabinet lighting. I'm stupidly brave...

thb: I'll never guarantee anything I do. :o)

Virginia Belle said...

this sounds like something i'd file under: "things i pay someone else to do for me".