Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I'm alive! I know, I know, I'm a big slacker, who promised stories about Europe, then disappeared overnight like the city of Pompeii. Go ahead, I'm ready for the lashings...

So, what's been going on? I've just about forgotten all about my European Vacation. It's hard at my age to remember most things. Thank goodness I have plenty of pictures to help jog the memory, along with my Costco-sized bottle of Ginkgo Biloba! But boo boring. Europe was so 2007. 2007 was so 2007. Happy New Year!

The real juicy stuff is what you want, right?

Well, well, well... I do have some boy news. I was dating a 25-year-old. Was. He was very nice, fun, attractive, and mature beyond his years, but the spark dwindled, then completely burnt out, for me. Up until a week ago, he still texted me.

What were the issues? Well first, I'm no spring chicken. Not that I'm looking to shack up and get knocked up any time soon, but ya know, I'm just not in my 20's. Despite him being mature, stable, and responsible, I looked into a crystal ball and saw myself hanging out with people 10 years younger, just out of college, beginning their career, drinking, partying, and getting into debt with the good 'ol credit card. I just couldn't backtrack that far. I guess, ultimately, the connection wasn't there enough to overlook the blatant difference in life stages. So c'est la vie on that one...

I have a new suitor now who I'm quite taken with. There are logistical issues, but thus far the connection is so strong that those issues are easily overlooked. *swoons*

I must continue on another post though, as it's getting late, and my blogging stamina sucks due to my long absence...


Stuck said...

Ready for the lashings, eh? *runs home to get a flogger* Anyway, welcome back!

Dating a younger person who is mature beyond their years doesn't mean you hang out with their younger friends. It means they hang out with your older friends!

But at least there is a new suitor to fill the void. ;)

(I am not referring to any anatomical parts as "the void" in that last sentence, PH.)

Len said...

Wow! You're back!! :)

And btw, I'm 23 and I have friends from age 20 to age 40.

Phantom Hater said...

You can always tell when someone meets a girl/guy. The blogging just stops. Then, of course, there's usually the inevitable juicy break-up blogs.

I'm glad you finally listened to me and blogged again. I mean, my God. It wasn't even like you just dropped off--you left your last entries teasing and promising more to come. It's like getting up in the middle of crazy, animalistic sex and just putting your coat on and leaving. Sorta.

What are you, like, 50? :) I don't think you're old enough to be talking about generation gaps with a 25yo, but I can understand what you mean. There is definitely a big step in maturity between your early 20's and your 30's, and most guys are slower on that path than women.

"fill the void"
I totally would have missed that one anyway, but it's frickin' funny.

Behind The Curve said...

stuck: Thanks for the welcome back. :) Dating a younger guy *does* mean hanging out with their friends, as much him hanging out with my friends. Like I said, the connection wasn't enough to overlook that. Ultimately, that's the issue. Don't talk about my void in public...

len: I am back! Hopefully with some consistency. Yeah yeah, I know. I guess I just wasn't *that* into him.

ph: You're the meaning in my life, you're the inspiration... for me blogging again. I just couldn't stand seeing a grown man cry... ;)

Michael Young said...

It is April! I think lashings are now due...