Wednesday, April 16, 2008

And I'll be Bach

(That was the punchline to "You be Beethoven")

Hey! How are you (guys)? If there's even one YOU left that read this sad sad neglected blog. I don't know what's happened but half of blogs I read are gone, retired, barely updated. Some tried to hide from me (Len & Stuckey) but "I find you..." (Name that movie quote.) It's sad really, but I'm a guilty contributor to the phenomenon, so I guess I have no room to complain.

So! What's new with moi? Lots actually. I've been back on the DIY kick, my fireplace has gotten a much needed makeover. I'm determined to pick out tile for 2 bathrooms and the laundry room and install them within a month. After which, I'm going to get new carpet through out the rest of the house. A few walls to paint, cabinets to be refinished, and.... I should be done! Oh wait, the patio (a.k.a. jungle) needs some TLC. Ok, after that, then... done! Wait, the garage needs major organization. Ideally, I want some rafters built for storage. There are tons of overhead space in my garage, but it's just a giant box with no shelving or anything to maximize storage space. Hmmm ok, after that then.... DONE! Hopefully...

No exciting travels to faraway lands. That 3-week vacation to Europe drained every last vacation days I had at work, so I am stuck until July, when I get more. I haven't drawn, painted, sewn, knitted, crocheted, played my drum, or bellydanced in forever. I guess I've been busy with other things? Where has all my time gone? *scratches head*

Yeah, you're thinking, "After this long of an absence, that's what I get? DIY news and news about things you HAVEN'T done? Booooring!!"

Ok ok! What's most exciting is that I have a boyfriend! Yup, believe it! We met on Thanksgiving and he asked me to be his girlfriend around my birthday in March, so it's been "official" for a little over a month now. The whole process with dating the boy and now being someone's girlfriend has brought to light, more than ever, how retarded I am, or how retarded I think I am, or how retarded I feel. Take your pick! I'm always second guessing myself and wondering and thinking and over-thinking. I've been told such behavior is "normal". I've also been told to just chill, accept, and be happy. Right, of course. How, I say? Any tips?


Len said...

Nup, just chill, relax, and be happy. There are no other tips. ;)

And... yay!!! You're back!! It's true most blogs I loved to read are dying... Thank God for Bloglines :)

I didn't try to hide from you ;) I tried to hide from my exboyfriend's dad. Also, most of the action is going on on my other blog (shoot me an email).

Oh, and I'm finished with my studies with two months and I find myself with WAY too many things to do/finish up to then... So yes I'm fucking busy!

Stuck said...

I win my bet. I said your lack of posting was going to turn out to be because of some boy. Funny how a busy relationship cuts down on your posting...

Anyway, congratulations on the new BF! (And thanks for updating my link.)

Behind The Curve said...

len: I'm trying to chillax... It's not coming easily. I've got some catching up to do with the "other" blog!

stuck: Yeah yeah yeah... What did you win? ;) Speaking of which, I see you're all almost-shacked-up! Congrats to you too!

Phantom Hater said...

I look forward to reading your next entry in late 2009.

Virginia Belle said...

yes, what len said -- if it weren't for bloglines, i would lose track of everyone! but yours popped up as new, so here i am!

high fives on the boyf, BCOL!! i don't have any tips, really, because i'm a girl, too. we are naturally over-analyzers. but i can say that if he makes you cry, he's not the one. that is the best advice i've ever heard. 8 months in, i'm still waiting for CN to make me cry...... :)

WHAT? Stuck is shacking up??? i gotta go. seems i am not caught up on all my reading yet!!

welcome back!