Sunday, September 23, 2007

Come fly with me

I have never been gone and out of the country for 3 weeks that I'm having trouble gauging how much to pack. Traveling Gay has trained and brain-washed me into being an ultra-light packer. (You need to roll all your clothes like mini sleeping bags to maximize the space of your suitcase. Use socks and underwear to fill all the odd spaces. Never bring full sized bottle of anything!) I'm trying, but the whole being on a cruise ship and having to dress nicely for dinner service, in addition to "formal nights" is a pain in the ass. It means packing dresses and of course the right shoes to go with them. It also doesn't help that the weather forecast has been inconsistent. Should I bring tank tops? T-shirts? Sweaters? Fine, all of them so I can layer.

Right now, my bed is covered with clothes. Laid out. Trying to figure out the minimum amount of items to yield the maximum variation of cute outfits. My bathroom counter is completely covered with my girly toiletries.

I ran very last minute errands this afternoon and bought a traveling blow dryer, withdrew some cash, and got my watch battery replaced.

I think I have all the ingredients, I just have to put it all together into one carry-on luggage and a duffel bag.

In other current and not so current news, is blowing up! I've got 4 guys going right now, but of course I'm gone for 3 weeks and they'll have forgotten me after week 1. We'll see, I don't care. I'm going to Europe!!!

Oh, and I decided to pick on an old scab and messaged him. He responded, I replied, and that's it. Deadsville. Duh, he doesn't want you!! Somehow I still think of him and wish it'll miraculous turn into a cliche Hollywood romantic comedy. Ummm, yeah.

Whatever, I'm going to Europe! I'm going to see and mingle with hot Spanish, Italian, French, Turkish, and Grecian men!

With that, I leave you until the middle of October.


Scotty said...

Woo hoo! Vacation! Have lots of fun, and good luck with the packing! :)

Stuck said...

Have fun!

teahouse said...

Wow, have a lovely trip!!

And next time get one of those infomercial pump things that suck the air out of the plastic bags, allowing you to triple and quadruple your suitcase capacity!!

Len said...

Woohoo! Have so much fun and post about the guys you hooked up with ;)