Saturday, October 13, 2007

What time is it?

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!! So many stories that I'm going to have to do them in parts! I'm still jet lagged, my eating patten is off, but I'm glad to be home.

I'm sad to report there was no boy action on the trip. Expensive Mediterrean Cruises that last 2 weeks are filled with those 60+ of age. The only young people are the crew, and the only attractive looking people are the singer and dancers, and of course 99% of them are gay. Each port was filled with crazy need to see as much as of the city as possible. There were intense glances at hot local boys, but that was it. Hottest guy I saw? In Kusadasi, Turkey. Who knew?!

I can't even organize my thoughts right now, so I'll post more when I can be rational. :)


Scotty said...

Please post pics :)

Len said...

What??? You didn't choose to stay in Europe for the rest of your life because it is so awesome? I'm genuinely disappointed.

Behind The Curve said...

scott: Comin' right up!

len: Believe you me, I would love to! But I can't...