Monday, July 09, 2007

Why funny girls aren't laughing...

The funniest gals I know are almost always single.

The first adjective most people would use when describing me would be, "funny". Guilty as charged. Single, yup.

I'm more positive than ever that boys like to be the Johnny Carson and want their gal to be their Ed McMahon--laugh at everything they say, heartily. I've never heard a guy wanting a girl that's "funny". A great "sense of humor", yes. Translation, "have a great sense of humor to laugh at all my jokes."

I don't think men know how to handle a funny gal. Perhaps it's like women making more money or doing their own home improvement projects. It might be impressive and attractive at first, but then it somehow leaves them with a not-so-fresh feeling. Perhaps I should consider not being funny anymore? Or just not so funny. I think being so gets you an express pass to Friend status.


Scotty said...

It probably depends on the guy. I wonder if it's because they think you are funnier than they are?

Len said...

I've been a total tomboy since I can think. I don't think it scares guys.

Stuck said...

I don't date girls who can't make me laugh. Don't stifle your humor.

Behind The Curve said...

scotty: ding ding ding!!

len: Me too. Perhaps I should move to Europe.

stuck: Ah, but how would you feel if she was funnier than you?

Phantom Hater said...

No girl I have dated is funnier than me. It isn't by choice. I think women want a good sense of humor in a guy as well, or at least a guy willing to laugh at himself on occasion.

Perhaps you aren't as funny as you think you are. Tell me a joke.

Behind The Curve said...

PH: Well funny man, perhaps if I met someone with the likes of you, my problem would be solved, but you prove my point, Johnny.

Stuck said...

Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with PH... I don't think anyone is funnier than me, woman or not. ;)

To be honest, I would not be intimidated by a woman who is funnier than me. Assuming that we understood each other's jokes and laughed at them.

Virginia Belle said...

DAMN! all this time, that's been my problem???

i thought it might be my enormous, stretched out granny panties.....huh.

actually, i think men are usually funnier than women. rare are the rachel dratches and the amy poehlers.

just my humble opinion. my favorite comedians are all men. hands down. although i do LOVE rachel dratch.

i don't know about your theory, though, BCOL. the funniest girl i've ever met is married. it's her 3rd hubby, but you know. that only serves to emphasize my point.

Behind The Curve said...

stuck: I think specifically it's witty sarcastic humor that lends itself into competitions of who's wittier. Let's face it, guys hate to lose. Maybe I win too often in such supposed ha-ha verbal banters. (btw, when that happens, just turn it into a fun wrestling match. It's a win-win there for the guy.)

vb: Booo!! We're way funnier than men. Lay off The Rules and whatever other books of traditional roles you're readin'!!! :o) Boys are funnier (lookin' (naked)). I'll give you that.

Female comedians... Wanda Sykes, Margaret Cho & Kathy Griffin are freakin' hilarious (just to name a few.)

Phantom Hater said...

Kathy Griffin needs to choke and die. I can't stand her. Plus, she looks downright weird after her plastic surgery.

There are many kinds of funny. Condescending wit and biting, dry sarcasm won't win you any popularity contests. You also need to be able to tell a good dead baby joke or two.

Behind The Curve said...

"There are many kinds of funny. Condescending wit and biting, dry sarcasm won't win you any popularity contests."

Self analyzing, I see...

Dead baby jokes are awesome. Especially when it's told to parents of a newborn. They always double over at the feet first in the blender one.

Lisa said...

Oh I love me some dead baby jokes!
I think you may be correct that guys like to THINK they are funnier than the gals... but usually 'funny' to them is just 'stupid' to us.
My girlfriends and I have some frickin hilarious conversations... although we probably wouldn't have them if the guys were around..

Anonymous said...

I agree...I'd make jokes all the time but my ex thought I was 'weird.' I think it's just because I'm a girl, perhaps dirty jokes aren't as acceptable for me to make. But don't sacrifice your funny for anything - the worthy people will love you for YOU. The worthy man will most definitely adore you for you as well!

Justin said...

Oh my goodness, how did I miss this blog post?

I ADORE girls who are freaking hilarious, even if they are funnier than me. Especially if they are funnier than me. I'd be trying to be dating one right now if any of the ultra-funny girls I know would hurry up and break up with their boyfriends/fiances/husbands.

Girls who don't make me laugh get boring. This is my #1 dating criteria. If a girl makes me laugh, I start thinking about making out.

Personally, I don't believe the "men don't want funny, smart women" myth. If that's true, how come all the ones I meet are taken?

DeedJ said...

i agree that most guys are intimidated by girls who are funnier than them, ppl always call me funny. im single. all the hilarious girls i no are single and its only the really boring slutty ones that have bf's. dunno why guys go for the boring ones. yawn.