Wednesday, June 13, 2007

No birthin' goin' on here

Mommy Gal had a baby last Friday. If I haven't revealed this, I am Auntie Extraordinaire. I love kids and they love me. I can easily revert to childlike playfulness and won't hesitate to act silly, contort my face, sing song, and engage in anything else that toddlers love. Physicality aside, I talk to children like they're adults. They're usually perplexed the first or two go-around of my sarcasm, but if you love Auntie BTC, you learn sarcasm before you'll learn to poopoo on potty.

Yeah, kids. I *heart*.

This, of course, always beckons comments of, "You'd be such a great mom.", "When are you going to have kids?", "How many would you want?" Uhhhh, perhaps you haven't noticed, but I'm missing the other half of the ingredients to have a baby?

I used to think I never want to have kids. Then I softened up on that stance. Then I was in the your-eggs-are-too-dried-up-like-raisins-to-have-kids phase. Now? I'm-so-Sheryl-Crow-and-can-just-adopt-kids phase.

Realistically though, I love things the way they are. Being Auntie. All the fun, none of the poopy diaper and time outs.


Len said...

I envy you - I can't deal with kids at all!

Behind The Curve said...

len: When I was your age, I'm sure I couldn't either. Somehow, when they're all around you, and you hear the progression of them saying your name properly, along with their big smiling hugs, your cold cynical heart melts.

Len said...

I'm an auntie too - so yes, I start to think that kids can be cute. As long as I can get rid of them after 10 minutes and don't need to wipe their bottom. But I've never been the kind of girl who "won't hesitate to act silly, contort my face, sing song, and engage in anything else that toddlers love." I can't do it. I feel silly. I'm afraid the kid will find me boring.

teahouse said...

Congratulations, Auntie!

Behind The Curve said...

len: "I'm afraid the kid will find me boring."

You know what, they're boring sometimes too. Eat, poop, and sleep. Booooring!! Selfish little things. But when they're in fun playful moods, go with it!

thb: Thanks! I *heart* my playpen of kiddies.