Monday, June 18, 2007

Mile High

Sorry I've been away. I've been a combination of busy and swimming in a lonely pity pool.

Let's see, went and saw Morrissey at the Hollywood Bowl. He's awesome live. The last time I saw him live was about 15 years ago, when I didn't know who he was. My then college friend had an extra ticket and asked if I wanted to go. Free ticket? Sure!

The show ended abruptly because Mr. Moz announced to the 10,000+ audience that we didn't need to stay in our effen seats, if we didn't want to. Immediately, people swarmed toward the stage like ants, numerous fans got on stage and bear hugged him, he was rushed off the stage. Minutes later, some poor sap had to come out and cancel the rest of the show. It caused a melee. Merchandise tables were looted. The stands themselves were toppled over.

So, I wasn't quite sure what to expect this time around. I semi-prepared myself for another riot like experience. It didn't happen. The decade and a half seem to have mellowed him out. He just sang beautifully and said at one point, he was touched to be able to play at the Bowl again after being banned for 15 years. (Wonder why...)

Aside from that, I'm certain there were other eventful stuff, but I can't think of them right now...

Oh! I will be in Denver this weekend to participate as an Artist at their Street Painting Festival. I'm quite excited for the trip, mostly just to get away. Artsy Gal's mom lives there, so she, hubby, and kiddies will be making a Road Trip family vacation out of it. I will be flying in and staying with a couple of my Denver Gays. Artsy Gal and I will be doing a 8' x 12' piece together.

Here's a couple of our previous works*:

It's a lot of work, but I always feel like proud momma when I'm done. I love the creative outlet. Wish me luck and cool weather!

* Recreations of Japanese Woodblock Prints
(pastels on asphalt).


Len said...

Wow. Looks amazing!

oh oh said...

hey, the murals look great! have fun street-painting. is that what they're calling it these days? haha. jk....

Behind The Curve said...

len: Thanks!

mellow: The days of chalk line hopscotch squares has entered a new frontier...

Anonymous said...

those are bee u te full!!!

Neil said...

Your artwork is really beautiful. Good luck with it.

Virginia Belle said...

that is SO cool. i love the subject matter and the colors.

you must be a very patient person, because i would end up chucking the chalk at some poor stranger! LOL